
Click the links below to list a selection of Italian suppliers

Companies related with "lelli"

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FOOTWEAR - Women Shoes

Our company produces stylish women's footwear, including comfort loafers and ankle boots, using innovative finishing techniques and current color trends. Many shoes have a fantastic vintage look. We produce entirely in Italy, also for private label projects

Medium-priced Private Label

Montegranaro (Fermo)
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FOOTWEAR - Men Shoes

Our company produces a variety of stylish men's footwear, including loafers, boots, dress shoes, and sneakers, using innovative finishing techniques and current color trends. We also have a variety of high-quality, relaxing shoes for your feet. Many shoes have a fantastic vintage look. We produce entirely in Italy, also for private label projects

Medium-priced Private Label

Montegranaro (Fermo)
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